Edit text, add images, embed media, create links, and much more with the sophisticated and user-friendly WYSIWYG editor. With the click of a button you can toggle between HTML view editing and design view editing.

File Management

Upload images, documents, Flash files and other media to the server with easy to use controls. Organize your files into folders. Even edit images directly on the server. Transfer large numbers of files to the web server quickly and securely with FTPS.

Online Store

Sell products securely and manage customers and orders, all in one place with the built-in Ecommerce solution.

Physical and Digital Products

Sell physical products or digital assets. Digital assets are sold as downloads with an automated fulfillment process that makes managing your digital products a breeze.


Add a blog to your website in just seconds, and start posting immediately. The blog gives you automatic archiving, tagging / categories, comments with moderation and spam protection. Syndicate your blog content with built-in RSS functionality.


Podcast with ease by using the power of our Blog and RSS syndication features. Simply attach your media files to blog posts and send out your feed.

Images & Galleries

Create stunning displays by dragging and dropping images. Add a single image or add several to create a beautiful gallery. Images can be automatically sized and scaled for optimum display on any device. Upload, resize, crop, rotate, flip, and resave images right inside the interface. No need to utilize external image editing software when everything can be done right on our system.


Manage events and display calendars in a variety of ways. If you are already using another calendar service like Google™ Calendar use iCal feeds to Display data from those external calendars.

Form Builder

Add a variety of forms such as sign-up forms, registrations, surveys, and more with the elegant and easy-to-use form builder. Form submissions can be emailed to you and also exported to a spreadsheet.


Accept donations, registrations, and online payments with multiple options for collecting funds.


Allow website visitors to easily share content with others. Users enter their friends’ email addresses and our system sends email content that you have pre-created complete with personalized content from the user.

Secure Content with Users and Roles

Secure pages or portions of a page with custom permissions. Add multiple users to your site and assign them to customized roles. You can specify the content each person can edit or even view. This allows you to create members-only content or even an entire intranet.

Social Media

Display social icons such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and more throughout your site.

Website Search

Allow visitors to quickly find things on your site with our website search. Since it’s built-in, you’ll keep those visitors on your website.


Achieve great search engine rankings. Our CMS was built from the ground up to be search engine friendly. Standards-based mark-up, clean code, friendly URLs, 301 redirects, Robots.txt, easy Google Analytics integration, meta tag editing, Open Graph integration, and sitemap tools to ensure your site is optimized for search engines.


Check out real-time, built-in website traffic statistics. Or, integrate with outside services like Google Analytics with ease.

Cross-Browser, Multi-Device Compatibility

Provide the best browsing experience to your visitors regardless of their web browser. Our system works across all operating systems (Windows and Mac), all major browsers, and most any device

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